Sunday, January 31, 2010

I dont have new pics at the moment...

But pretend this is Lila at her age now.. nearing her first year ever!
I'd like to think its more about the anniversary of the day I spent getting her out of me...
but lets be real.
You are all welcome to join us as we celebrate the
L&F Birthday Weekend Extravaganza Extraordinaire!!
Kiddie party Wednesday Feb 3, 11 am @ Mimulo.
Thursday trip to the Ohel
Friday night Bday dinner at my Momma's 665 Crown St.
I know most of you cant come, dont want to hear about it, just letting you know we arent getting younger. None of us! (so ha!)
Well accept all good wishes and gifts gracefully. Consider yourself forewarned.
Oooodles of love

Thursday, January 14, 2010